domingo, 17 de julho de 2022

Assis Chateaubriand Award (English)

The Association of Parents and Friends for Supporting Talent is proud to announce the achievement of the Assis Chateaubriand Award at the XII Regional Forum on Social Responsibility, sponsored by Unifenas, Netsu and TV Alterosa! The award and certificate were presented on November 13, 2015 in the Unifenas hall, sorting the ASPAT Volunteers Network as one of the most important social relevance projects in the south and southwest of Minas Gerais.

The project:

The ASPAT, civil law entity, and recognized of public utility, was born of the need to bring together parents of children demonstrating superior ability and talent, as well as other families, individuals, institutions and community forces to provide support to the program developed by the Potential and Talent Development Center (CEDET). In CEDET methodology, the volunteer instructor is a key person with the task of stimulating and developing meaningful learning, whatever their personal and professional experience are. Each semester with have about 70 volunteers, and that number will diversify as new children are identified and new interests emerge. 

ASPAT has several collaborators in the community such as Rotary Lavras South; Universities; private schools; civil and military authorities; Media; companies, commercial and private entities; language and computer schools; Recreational clubs and families. 

Another program developed is the European Voluntary Service (EVS), an agreement for cultural and educational exchanges among youth from Brazil and European countries, mediated by the Slovak organization KERIC and with funding from the European Union.

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