quarta-feira, 8 de junho de 2022

Association of Parents and Friends for Supporting Talent

Association of Parents and Friends for Supporting Talent (ASPAT) is an educational organization gathering educators, teachers, parents, professionals and community persons interested in the area of Gifted Education and Talent Development. Its main purposes involve: raising awareness and positive feelings toward the gifted and talented; conducting and publishing research on gifted education; organizing Gifted Education events and programs for interested students, parents and teachers; planning and giving short term courses to prepare teachers for the gifted (facilitators); starting and providing technical support to new CEDETs (Centre for Talent and Potential Development) in other communities within Brazil. ASPAT’s main activity with children is carried on at CEDET, beginning with identification through direct observation data collected at the local schools every year; after identification each student develops his/hers own individual work plan focused on his/hers ability domain. Presently there are four CEDETs in Brazil.

terça-feira, 7 de junho de 2022

Centre for Talent and Potential Development

The Centre for Talent and Potential Development (CEDET) is a special education center created by Zenita Guenther in Lavras, MG, Brazil, in 1993. CEDET is run by the Lavras School System with technical and civil responsibility delegated to the Association of Parents and Friends for Supporting Talent (ASPAT). Its main goal is to cultivate the proper physical and social environment for complementing and supplementing educational support to the gifted and talented student. At present, there are 512 gifted students age 7 to 17 enrolled at CEDET, around 5% of Lavras Basic School population. The students come from thirteen Municipal Schools, eight State Schools and two private schools, plus a group of students from nearby communities brought in by their families.

segunda-feira, 6 de junho de 2022

Centro para el Desarrollo del Potencial y el Talento

CEDET (Centro para el Desarrollo del Potencial y el Talento), órgano municipal vinculado a la Coordinación de Educación Especial de la Secretaría Municipal de Educación, con responsabilidad técnica de la Asociación de Padres y Amigos para Apoyo al Talento (ASPAT), desde el inicio de su funcionamiento, en 1993 viene trabajando regularmente con una proporción de 4 a 6% de la población escolar, al nivel de la Educación Básica. En 2015 trabajamos con un total aproximado de 512 alumnos, lo que incluye tanto a la red pública como a las escuelas privadas. Actualmente son atendidas trece escuelas municipales, ocho estatales y dos privadas, además de los alumnos que vienen a través de sus familias.

quinta-feira, 2 de junho de 2022

Conexão Brasil // República Tcheca!

Acabamos de receber as respostas às cartas que alguns alunos do CEDET mandaram para a República Tcheca!

As cartas foram enviadas para o Bunkr < www.bunkr.cz >, uma organização social tcheca da cidade de Trinec, a qual recebeu dois voluntários da ASPAT em intercâmbio no passado. Ainda hoje mantemos muitos vínculos de amizade com eles!

Durante uma atividade grupal de Inglês, pedimos a alguns alunos para escrever sobre o Brasil e perguntar coisas que gostariam de saber sobre a República Tcheca, de modo que jovens de suas idades pudessem responder.

As cartas ainda estão fechadas, vamos abri-las com os alunos em fevereiro, assim que voltarmos das férias.

Até breve!


We have just received the answers to the letters that some CEDET students sent to the Czech Republic! The letters were sent to Bunkr, a Czech social organization in the city of Trinec, which received two ASPAT volunteers in exchange in the past. We still have many friendships with them today! During a English activity at CEDET, we asked some students to write about Brazil and ask questions they would like to know about the Czech Republic, so that children and teenagers could answer. The letters are still closed, we will open them with the students in February, as soon as we get back from vacation. See you soon!

quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2022

Visitas internacionais

Ao longo de nossa história, recebemos centenas de visitantes de diversos lugares do Brasil e de 30 países do mundo (e contando). 

  1. Alemanha
  2. Argentina
  3. Bulgária
  4. Camarões
  5. Canadá
  6. Chile
  7. Colômbia
  8. Congo-Kinshasa
  9. Costa Rica
  10. Cuba
  11. Equador
  12. Eslováquia
  13. Espanha
  14. Estados Unidos
  15. França
  16. Gana
  17. Itália
  18. Jamaica
  19. Holanda
  20. Honduras
  21. Letônia
  22. México
  23. Moçambique
  24. Noruega
  25. Peru
  26. Polônia
  27. Portugal
  28. Reino Unido
  29. Uruguai
  30. Venezuela